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Syosset, NY
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Popular private homes in Syosset, NY

By choosing to book with me, you can expect a stone patio complete with a fire pit, grill, seating a...
For over 8 years, Spartan Bar and lounge has accommodated people with entertainment and a place wher...
Large back yard. Able to accommodate 50-250people. Bar and cocktail area. Friendly neighbors. Per...
This House has a beautiful big Backyard with lots of seating, and a Pool. Great if you want to do a...
Located in East Williamsburg, the space is designed to cater to the blossoming arts & commerce commu...
Hello everyone. My name is Monica ,I just recently opened up a brand new venue business for all type...
Beautiful, large backyard that can accommodate your large gatherings.
Have an adult game night, sip and paint, karaoke night, or whatever you can think of at GameStation....
Yard Space only, no pool. Great for All Events. This space is near local transit, If you have any qu...
Rooftop offers stunning, unobstructed views to the East and newly built Hudson Yard towers to the We...

How does Swimply work

Swimply is the easiest way to book unique venues for events. We also have spaces for productions and meetings.
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Choose from hundreds of unique venues
Every day we uncover new and creative spaces perfect for your event — from neighborhood galleries to hidden rooftops, and beyond.
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Our spaces are priced to fit your budget. Book by the hour without worrying about hidden fees.
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Enjoy whatever you're planning
Focus on the activity, not the logistics! With our app, Swimply makes it easy to manage and adjust your reservation at the tap of a button.
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Choose from hundreds of unique venues
Every day we uncover new and creative spaces perfect for your event — from neighborhood galleries to hidden rooftops, and beyond.
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Book affordable places
Our spaces are priced to fit your budget. Book by the hour without worrying about hidden fees.
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Enjoy whatever you're planning
Focus on the activity, not the logistics! With our app, Swimply makes it easy to manage and adjust your reservation at the tap of a button.

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