Aquatic Paradise In Winnetka

Winnetka, Illinois
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Full Sized Pool hosted by

25 ft by 40 ft
20 guests allowed

No infants (0-2) • No pets

Restroom available

Dedicated restroom available by the pool

No Parking

No parking available on site

Cancel anytime!

Get a full refund if you cancel 2 hours before your booking.

Where you'll swim

Exact location after booking.

Winnetka, IllinoisUS

About the pool

Welcome to my beautiful indoor pool in Winnetka, IL! The pool is approximately 40 feet by 25 feet and 8 feet deep at the deep end, providing plenty of space for swimming and relaxation. The area is well-maintained and features a convenient bathroom with a shower, making it easy to freshen up before or after your swim.
The pool area is enclosed with glass doors that open to the yard, allowing you to enjoy the serene outdoor views while staying comfortably indoors. Whether you're looking to swim some laps, relax by the water, or host a small gathering, this pool space is perfect for you. I take great pride in ensuring the pool is always in pristine condition for your enjoyment.
I look forward to hosting you and hope you have a wonderful time at my pool!
Night lighting

This space is great for...

Friend hangouts

Family gatherings

Photo shoots

Video shoots


What makes it special


Pool Toys

Hosted by George

Hosting since Jun 2024

Verified Host

Hi there! I'm a 39-year-old who enjoys spending time outdoors and traveling. I take great pride in maintaining my pool to ensure i…

Things to know

House rules

No Smoking.

Follow these rules to be a considerate guest and avoid any issues during your visit.

Space privacy

Very private

Space cannot be seen from neighbors or household

Report Listing