Inviting Mission District Event Space

San Francisco, California
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Event Venue hosted by

4,500 ft²
Check-in with host

Your host Peggy will be home

150 guests allowed

All ages welcome • No pets


1 restroom available

No Parking

No parking available on site

Cancel anytime!

Get a full refund if you cancel 2 hours before your booking.

Where you'll visit

Exact location after booking.

San Francisco, CaliforniaUS

About the home

A work and gathering space for creatives during the day, housing a spacious, over 4,800 ft² former winery, outfitted with comfortable couches, kitchenette, dining table, long serving table, and bar tables with chairs, and bar stools.
Renters have access to an inviting open-concept area and a loft with additional desk work space, chairs, two private restrooms, and floor to ceiling windows. Plus, our prime location is just steps away from fantastic restaurants and coffee shops.
Our venue is ideal for a variety of events, including happy hours, low-key parties, workshops, meetings, team-building exercises, and networking events. We're passionate about fostering connections and bringing together like-minded individuals and groups who share our values.
CONVENIENCE Located in the Mission district of San Francisco (walking distance from BART station).
Living room
Dining area

This space is great for...


Friend hangouts

Family gatherings

Photo shoots


Corporate events


Video shoots



Hosted by Peggy

Hosting since Apr 2024

Things to know

House rules

No Smoking.

Follow these rules to be a considerate guest and avoid any issues during your visit.

Additional rules

Smoking is not allowed. No hard liquor is permitted. No pets are permitted. Any food must be prepared off site, in a commercial...

Space privacy

Somewhat private

Neighbors’ view is obstructed but space is still visible to household

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