Huge Swimming Pool and Entertainment Space

North Las Vegas, Nevada
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Pool hosted by

Check-in with host

Your host Alex will be home

30 guests allowed

All ages welcome • No pets

Restroom available

Dedicated portable restroom available by the pool


Available for up to 12 cars

Cancel anytime!

Get a full refund if you cancel 2 hours before your booking.

Where you'll swim

Exact location after booking.

North Las Vegas, NevadaUS

About the pool

40 x 22 foot pool, 7.5 feet deep, huge wet deck for kids, 4 x 22 foot hot tub, and outdoor entertaining area. Grill, cabana, tanning area, large umbrellas, picnic table
Night lighting
Shaded area
Great sunlight
Shallow area

Hosted by Alex

Hosting since Jul 2023

Verified Host

Military veteran and Las Vegas local for 20 years

Things to know

House rules

No Smoking.

Follow these rules to be a considerate guest and avoid any issues during your visit.

Additional rules

1. No diving into the pool. 2. Leave the garden alone. 3. Loud music is acceptable, but the homeowner will inform you if it g...

Safety & Security

Security cameras

Security camera/recording device in sight of the pool.

Report Listing