Beautiful Pleasant Valley Retreat

Pleasant Valley, New York
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Pool hosted by

15 guests allowed

No infants (0-2) • No pets

Restroom available

Private restroom available inside main home


Available for up to 10 cars

Free cancellation!

Get a full refund if you cancel 1 day before your booking.

Where you'll swim

Exact location after booking.

Pleasant Valley, New YorkUS

About the pool

A relaxing atmosphere filled with activities to do of your choosing by the pool. Enjoy yoga followed by a dip in the pool. Host your own wine-tasting poolside. Gather your friends for an afternoon of fun, BBQ, music, and entertainment, all on 6 acres of gorgeous landscape surrounded by two ponds and lots of greenery. Ideal for family or friends who enjoy the outdoors and nature at its best.
Night lighting
Shaded area
Great sunlight
Shallow area

What makes it special



This is a Char-Griller coal grill. You will need to bring your own charcoal. Grilling tools will be provided.

Pool Toys

Floating devices available


Free WiFi. Password will be provided upon confirmation.



Bluetooth speaker available for use at the pool.

Hosted by Sean

Hosting since Aug 2022

Pool and grounds available for rent.

Things to know

House rules

Additional rules

<div>No littering in the pool.</div>

Space privacy

Very private

Space cannot be seen from neighbors or household

Safety & Security

Security cameras

Security camera/recording device in sight of the pool.

Report Listing