Camas Oasis a Perfect Retreat

Camas, Washington•US
Heated Pool
Pool will be heated for customer use up to 80 Degrees
Hot Tub
Guest may use the hot tub in front of the house.
There's a shower off the pool house the guest can use to rinse off.
Guest may use wifi
Guest may use our 2 speaker PA system or Bluetooth speaker for pool music
Pool Toys
Pool Floaties of all shapes and sizes
Endless Pools Swim Jet
For aspiring athletes we have a high performance swim jet from Endless Pools. This system is powered by hydraulics and can outperform even the greatest swimmers.

Nice smaller pool, easy access. Safe depth for kids in all areas. No bathroom so makes anything over an hour sorta hard.
1 year ago
I tried, tirelessly, to reach the owners regarding the lack of restroom access, but I never heard back. So, we ended up going else…
1 year ago
NO BATHROOM or shower despite listing/conf including - Nowhere to change - Had workers RIGHT THERE watching us & using power tools…
1 year ago

Hosting since Jul 2022
Verified Host
3 reviews
Response time: Within 24 hours
House rules
Loud music
Third-party vendors
Additional rules
Safety & Security
Security cameras
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