How to Keep an Inflatable Pool Clean

In this article

Wondering how to keep a blow up pool clean? This guide gives you practical tips for maintaining crystal-clear water, from daily skimming to using covers. These simple steps will keep your pool safe and fun to use.

Key Takeaways

  • Daily skimming, using a cover, and promoting good hygiene are essential to keep a blow-up pool clean.
  • Investing in tools like a small pool vacuum, filter, and scum bags can make maintaining pool water clarity easier.
  • Regular chemical treatments, including testing pH levels, using chlorine for sanitization, and weekly shock treatments, are crucial for safe and clean pool water.

Essential Tips for Keeping Your Blow Up Pool Clean

Illustration of a clean blow up pool with a cover

Dive into the essentials of inflatable pool maintenance with these three foundational tips: daily skimming, using a cover, and promoting good hygiene. By implementing these practices, you’re not just ensuring a pleasant swim in your inflatable pool but also keeping your inflatable pool clean and protecting against health issues like skin infections or worse, which can be a concern for both inflatable and in ground pools.

Let’s break down these vital steps to keep your blow up pool as refreshing as a morning dip in a crystal-clear lake.

Skim the Pool Daily

Your small inflatable pool is an open invitation to leaves, insects, and other floating debris. Skimming the surface daily with a net is a simple yet indispensable practice to maintain a spotless pool. Not only does it keep the inflatable pool water looking good, but it also prevents debris from sinking and becoming a hassle to remove later on. With small inflatable pools, it’s essential to maintain cleanliness for a pleasant swimming experience.

Options like leaf rakes and skimmers are your best allies in this daily battle against unwanted floaters. For larger debris, a Leaf Bagger connected to your garden hose can work wonders.

Cover the Pool When Not in Use

Ever considered a pool cover as your inflatable pools’ best friend? It’s an effective guardian, keeping out unwanted visitors like leaves, insects, and even the curious neighborhood critters while reducing water evaporation. The right cover can also help maintain water temperature, providing a more pleasant swimming experience.

Whether you opt for a fitted tarp or get creative with a DIY solution like a fitted sheet, ensuring it’s snug will keep it from blowing away and your pool as clean as a whistle.

Encourage Proper Hygiene

Clean water starts with clean swimmers, especially when it comes to keeping your kiddie pool clean. Encouraging everyone to rinse off before taking the plunge significantly minimizes the dirt and contaminants entering your kiddie pool water. While you’re at it, keep those furry friends at a safe distance; pets are adorable but their presence near the pool can complicate your maintenance efforts.

A simple shower can make a world of difference in keeping your pool’s ecosystem balanced and inviting.

Using Tools and Accessories to Maintain Clean Water

Illustration of a small pool vacuum in use

Beyond the basics, specialized tools and accessories can elevate your pool-cleaning game. Imagine a trifecta of cleanliness: a small pool vacuum to snatch up the fine debris, a filter to cycle out the contaminants, and scum bags to tackle the oils and lotions. This arsenal of tools can turn the tide against murky waters, ensuring your blow-up pool remains a bastion of clean water.

Invest in a Small Pool Vacuum

There’s something deeply satisfying about watching a pool vacuum in action, methodically ridding your pool’s floor of dirt and fine debris. Whether you choose a rechargeable, battery-operated model or one that’s manually operated, these vacuums are a boon for blow-up pools.

Remember, keeping your vacuum clean is just as important as the rest of your pool maintenance routine, ensuring it operates at peak efficiency every time you need it.

Install a Pool Filter

While skimmers and vacuums play their part, a pool filter is the unsung hero that takes care of the fine debris they might miss. With options like small cartridge filters, you can ensure your small kiddie pool, especially the inflatable ones, enjoys the same level of cleanliness as in-ground models, keeping your inflatable pool water clean and making kiddie pools a safe option for your children.

Maintaining a filter is a breeze; simply clean or replace it as recommended, and watch it work its magic, keeping your water crystal clear.

Utilize Scum Bags

Don’t let the name fool you; scum bags are a pool owner’s ally. These ingenious products absorb the oils and lotions that swimmers bring into the water, reducing that unsightly sheen on the surface and preventing odors. An oil-attracting sponge can be a game-changer in your maintenance routine, soaking up all the sunscreen and body oils that threaten to cloud your pool’s waters.

Keep an eye on them, and with regular inspections and cleanings, they’ll serve you well throughout the swimming season.

Chemical Treatments for Blow Up Pools

Illustration of a person testing and adjusting pH levels in pool water

When you’ve got the mechanical aspects down pat, it’s time to dive into the chemical realm of pool maintenance. Balancing pH levels, sanitizing with chlorine, and the occasional shock treatment are critical components to keep your pool water not just clean, but safely swimmable. Think of these treatments as your pool’s health insurance, offering protection against unseen microscopic threats.

Test and Adjust pH Levels

Before adding any chemicals, it’s vital to test the waters—literally. A water testing kit will be your guide to achieving the perfect pH balance, which should be between 7.4 and 7.6. This level ensures that your sanitizer works effectively, keeping your pool water clean and your swimmers happy.

Chlorine Tablets for Sanitization

Chlorine is the heavyweight champion of pool sanitation, knocking out bacteria and ensuring the water is safe for a refreshing dip. Using chlorine tablets in a floating chlorinator helps maintain consistent chlorine levels, keeping the pool water clean and preventing algae growth.

And don’t worry, when used correctly, chlorine keeps your pool perfectly safe without irritating the skin or eyes.

Shock the Pool Weekly

Even the best-maintained pools need a good shock now and then. Weekly shock treatments are the equivalent of hitting the reset button on your pool’s water quality, ensuring any lingering bacteria or algae are sent packing. By boosting chlorine levels temporarily, you create an environment where unwanted guests can’t survive, and your pool remains a clean, safe haven for swimmers.

Remember, it’s best to wait about 24 hours after shocking before diving back in, just to let the chlorine do its job.

Draining and Refilling the Pool

Illustration of draining and refilling the blow up pool

Even with the most diligent maintenance, sometimes your pool just needs a fresh start. Regularly replacing the water is like giving your pool a new lease on life, flushing out contaminants and ensuring the water remains healthy and inviting.

Think of it as spring cleaning for your summer fun.

Drain Pool Water Regularly

Consistency is key when it comes to draining your blow-up pool. Here are some guidelines to follow:

  • Drain your pool every 10 to 14 days, or even more frequently if you’re not using chlorine.
  • This regular refresh helps prevent the water from turning into a stagnant pond.
  • Keeping the water fresh and clean ensures a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone.

Methods for Draining the Pool

When it’s time to say goodbye to the old water, you have options. If you’re lacking a drain plug, a garden hose siphon will do the trick, leveraging gravity to clear out the pool. Alternatively, a small submersible pump can quickly and efficiently move the water out, setting the stage for a clean refill.

Cleaning the Pool Before Refilling

After draining, take the opportunity to give your pool a thorough scrub-down. This is your chance to remove any lingering dirt or grime and ensure that the new water has the cleanest possible home. A little elbow grease now means a lot less work maintaining clean water later on.

Preventative Measures to Keep Pool Water Clean

Prevention is always better than cure, especially when it comes to pool maintenance. By setting up some proactive measures, you can significantly reduce the amount of cleaning and maintenance your pool requires.

Let’s explore a few strategies that can help keep your pool water sparkling with minimal effort.

Set Up a Foot Washing Station

A foot washing station is your first line of defense against dirt and grime. A simple setup with a rinse bucket or a large container of fresh water beside your pool encourages everyone to wash off before diving in. This simple act can significantly reduce the amount of debris that finds its way into your pool.

Choose the Right Pool Location

The location of your inflatable pool can greatly influence how much maintenance it will require. Placing it away from trees and sandboxes, for instance, can help prevent leaves and sand from getting in the water. A little forethought when selecting your pool’s spot can save you a lot of cleaning time down the line.

Regularly Inspect and Clean Equipment

Your pool maintenance equipment needs some TLC too. Regular inspections and cleanings ensure that your filter, vacuum, and other tools are working effectively and last longer.

A clean filter pump is especially critical for maintaining water circulation and cleanliness.

Considering renting a full size pool on Swimply

Sometimes, you just want to take a break from the maintenance and indulge in the luxury of a full-size pool. That’s where Swimply comes in. This innovative platform allows you to rent a pool by the hour, giving you the full swimming experience without the long-term commitment or upkeep.

It’s the perfect option for those special occasions or when you just need a change of scenery.


To wrap it up, keeping your blow-up pool clean is all about regular care, the right tools, and a dash of preventative measures. From the daily skim to the occasional shock treatment, each step you take ensures your inflatable pool remains a clean, safe, and enjoyable refuge from the heat. Embrace these tips, and you’ll be the envy of the neighborhood with a pool that’s always ready for a splash.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I skim my inflatable pool?

You should skim your inflatable pool daily to prevent debris from sinking and becoming harder to remove. This routine will help keep your pool water clean and inviting.

Can I use a pool cover for an inflatable pool?

Yes, you can use a pool cover for an inflatable pool to keep out debris, reduce evaporation, and maintain water temperature. Just ensure it fits snugly to prevent it from being blown away.

Is chlorine necessary for a small inflatable pool?

Yes, chlorine is necessary for a small inflatable pool to keep the water sanitized and safe for swimming. You can use chlorine tablets in a floating chlorinator to maintain consistent levels.

What are some preventative measures I can take to keep my pool water clean?

To keep your pool water clean, set up a foot washing station to reduce dirt, pick the right location to minimize debris, and regularly inspect and clean your pool equipment. This will help ensure your pool stays clean and well-maintained.

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