More about this gig!

We’re hiring a Chief Pools Officer (CPO) for the summer season!

As someone with a passion for pools, your primary job will be to travel to, cannonball into and review as many pools as possible in all 50 states – and create content highlighting the best of Swimply along the journey.

Swimply is the premier, neighborhood-driven marketplace to discover and book private pools, hot tubs, tennis and pickleball courts, homes, and versatile spaces, all by the hour. With a diverse array of pools across the country, we have something for everyone, and the Chief Pools Officer will be our primary expert and voice on how to find the best aquatic escapes nestled in America’s backyards.

What you’ll do as CPO

Swim in all 50 states!

From July to September, you’ll travel to all 50 states to enjoy as many Swimply pools as possible, from East Coast waterslide escapes to sprawling Californian luxury oases.

Share the Swimply love.

You’ll become a Swimply evangelist, participating in media interviews and at events and spreading the word about the fun and convenience of booking through Swimply.

Curate expert guides.

By the end of your tenure, no one in the country will have been in more pools than you! You’ll create “Best of” lists, superlatives, and other guides highlighting the most eclectic, quirky, and epic pools across the country.

Document your experience.

Share your epic swim journey across the country on Reels, TikToks, and YouTube! Highlight each awesome pool you visit and document your adventure to become America's ultimate pool expert.

Host pool parties!

While on the road, you’ll host pop-up pool parties in cities across the country.

Have fun!

We’re calling this the dream job for a reason! Most important is that you enjoy the best of what Swimply has to offer, and share the fun and adventure with our community.

Float in cash

Earn up to $100,000 this summer.

You’ll receive a guaranteed $50,000 base payment to cover your travel expenses, floaties, and roadtrip snacks. All pool bookings will be covered by Swimply.

You’ll also earn up to $50,000 in performance bonuses based on content engagement and number of pools visited throughout the term.

Make a video and tag us to apply!

Apply by June 15th

Step 1

Book a Swimply!

Book a Swimply pool near you and create a video resume showing us how you’d highlight all the pools you’ll experience during this summer adventure.

Step 2

Share your fun.

Share your video on TikTok or Instagram Reels (or better yet, both!), tag and follow @swimply and use #SwimplyDreamJob. You can create as many submissions as you’d like.

Step 3

Get selected!

If your video catches our eye, we will follow up with next steps, which include an interview with Swimply’s CEO and a “Swimming Screen Test.”

Book a Swimply

Please note this is a short-term independent contractor opportunity. Full agreement will be provided to the finalist candidate.
Swimply is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We welcome people of all backgrounds, experiences, abilities and perspectives. For
any questions, reach out to Note: Applications will not be accepted via email. We will be selecting our
Chief Pools Officer from social media submissions utilizing #SwimplyDreamJob and filmed in Swimply pools.